Instant Karma

So this is an old video but it is one of my all-time favorites and I’m not sure if many people have seen it. First off I want to know what kind of kids get together and decide you know what would be really fun, let’s roll around in our 1992 Impala and knock kids off of their bikes? Seriously, how fucked up do you have to be for that to really get you hard?

Let me set the stage of how I see this video. Based on the grunge rock flow of the victim and the driver I’m gonna say this took place in Seattle and Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is playing on the tape deck because that’s how these bros roll.

Anyway, as if this kid’s not retarded enough trying to knock another kid off a bicycle, he doesn’t even think to check for oncoming traffic. Smooth move slick. Now let’s get to the good part. How about the perfect timing on this video. We get straight face to bumper contact that you usually have to pay for. I think this guy will think twice next time he wants to fuck with somebody on a bike. In the meantime he can enjoy eating food through a straw and not having a face while head banging to some P.O.D.

P.S. For the guy in the back was the phone call from your mom telling you dinner was ready really important enough to answer while your friend gets his brain splattered around the cul de sac? “I’ll call you back something serious just happened” yeah no shit Sherlock. Maybe you shouldn’t answer the phone and save your Shakespearean play by play for later.

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