Les Twins – New Style Hip Hop Dancers

Until only a few years, no one gave a shit about dancing.  However, within the last 5 year, competitive reality TV shows just as ABC’s Dancing With the Stars, ABC’s So You Think You can Dance, and MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew has given Americans new appreciation for the art of dancing.  My interest in dancers seeded from the hit MTV show America’s Best Dance Crew.  During the first season, I was all for team Kaba Modern an also strongly supported the JabbaWockeez.  My interest further grew when I saw Kaba Modern preform live at a Tulane talent show, where one of the celebrity judges was Matt Forte.

Since then, it seems that the genre of TV has been jaded to a point where it is no longer relevant.  To be honest, it is kind of disappointing how little I cared about the dancing world until recently.  While surfing the internet last week, I discovered a video of two dancers who were just fooling around in a studio, their performance was incredible.

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The New Rick Ross Single is a Jam

I don’t know if you guys have heard this new Ricky Rozay song but it is an absolute jam. I mean this might be song of the year material….oh wait you mean that’s not actually Rick Ross in the video? Shit, I was totally fooled. This guy pulled off a perfect impression of Rick Ross and even somehow manages to imitate Ross’ incredible lyricism. This just goes to prove that Rick Ross is the most overrated rapper. Literally 90% of people with any musical skill could do what he does. Not to mention the guy is a complete fake. He acts like he’s a real hard gangsta, but in reality he went to college on a football scholarship and was a parole officer before signing a record deal. Seriously, how has no one should Rick Ross yet? Isn’t being a parole officer who raps about being a drug lord the biggest hypocrisy since the Catholic Church molesting little boys?

So Apparently the Cool Thing to do Now is Ask Celebrities to the Marine Ball

I’m sure you guys have heard by now that a marine asked Mila Kunis to go to the Marine Ball with him. The crazy part is that she actually said yes…well at least she did at first before backing out because she claims she’s filming two movies in November. Are you for cereal Mila Kunis? You’re really going to back out on the marine? I have been on a Mila Kunis respect roller coaster more intense than your wildest Roller Coaster Tycoon dreams (side note: that game was the shit back in the day. Nothing better than watching pissed off little people roam around looking for a bathroom that you never built). I was never a huge Mila Kunis fan to start with. Yeah she’s attractive but I think she’s wayyyyy overrated. Her face is just weird looking and not very attractive and she has an annoying voice…she voices Meg Griffin and their is nothing attractive about Meg (pause for the haters to do what they do).

However, I gained mad respect for her after she said yes. Agreeing to go to the Marine Ball with a guy she’s never met knowing everyone will be gawking at her and trying to get a picture was a classy move. It shows real respect for our troops. Now backing out of that agreement is the biggest snake move. Claiming she has a conflict is the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard. Either she’s straight up lying because the initial charm of the idea wore off and Mila realized that she would be the focus of hundreds of Marines who haven’t touched a woman in months, or she is legitimately dumb and didn’t think to check her schedule before agreeing. I’m banking on the first option and as a result have lost so much respect for Mila. All I’m gonna say is that Taylor Swift went to prom with a random dude who won a TV show…once again proving that T-Swift is on an unparalleled level of awesomeness.

Now a female Marine has asked Justin Timberlake to go to the ball with her. Now we all know that Justin Timberlake is the undisputed king of the bros. That being said I’m sure he’s either going to turn this girl down faster than the fat girls with braces got turned down for the Sadie Hawkins dance or he’s going to accept and show up at the ball draped in broness and be the life of the party. Either way will be perfectly fine as long as he doesn’t string this girl along like Mila Kunbitch did.

Also we’ve opened the door for a flood of troops asking celebrities to various events. Pretty soon every troop will be pimping it with some big time celeb or every hot celeb is going to be accused of not caring about our troops.

P.S. How awkward was the female marine in the video? It definitely looks like her buddies put her up to the video and she does not want to be there at all. JT’s never going to accept a date with you if you’re going to be more awkward than a transsexual in puberty. On the other hand, the male marine was straight dripping swag in his video.

WildCard’s Take: Sorry 4 the Wait

(Reader Beware: this is gonna be a bit long)

I’m gonna start off this mixtape review by saying that I really really wanted to like this mixtape. Until pretty recently there was no bigger Wayne fan than me. After hearing Da Drought 3 back in 07 (still for me the best mixtape ever) he became my favorite artist. The onslaught that followed where Wayne took over the market by being featured on literally EVERY song basically made his music the soundtrack of my high school years. He started to lose me a little bit when he went through the whole autotune/Rebirth/Rock phase, but still managed to release enough decent to good material to keep me on board (fuck what anyone thinks Hot Revolver is still my jam). Then when I was ready to lose all hope, Weezy dropped No Ceilings and showed me to never doubt him again. This was the Mixtape Weezy I had come to know and love, with unique punchlines that barely made sense and yet were hilariously brilliant at the same time, and a flow that is unmatched in Hip Hop.

I waited patiently while he did his T.I. or Vick Vacation at Riker’s Island, convinced he would come out sober and hungrier than ever. Unfortunately I’m still waiting; his output since his release has been mediocre at best, pitiful at worst. His verses on “Fire Flame” and “Look at Me Now” didn’t do much for me; “John” I disliked at first though it has since grown on me a bit; “Dear Anne” was OK; and “How To Love” is a painful ear-abortion of a single that I pray doesn’t get anywhere near Tha Carter 4 (I recently saw an interview where he compared it to Pac’s “Keep Ya Head Up.” I proceeded to vomit all over my keyboard). When he announced that he would be releasing the mixtape Sorry 4 the Wait before C4 comes out in August I hoped that this would be like No Ceilings round 2 and get me firmly back on the bandwagon once more. The short review: It Didn’t. Continue reading

Why is Everyone Hating on Transformers 3?

So last week I went to the midnight premier of Transformers with 3 of my friends. Two of my friends are Transformer fanboys and believed that it was the greatest movie since nam (or at least they thought it was the best of the 3). My other friend and I agreed it was good but thought the first one is probably better because it was the original, was somewhat unique at the time, and brought us back to our childhood. Still, I definitely thought Transformers 3 was a cool, entertaining movie.

That is why I was so surprised to find out how many bad reviews the movie has gotten. People are saying it was just all action with a weak story. Yeah no shit that’s what it was, it’s a movie based on a kids cartoon and toys about giant, fighting robots on Earth. What did people expect…Shawshank Redemption plot with Godfather dialogue? The movie was exactly what I wanted it to be. A bunch of awesome fighting scenes with just enough plot and hot girls to fill the space between fights.

Also, people are hating on Michael Bay for using the same scenes in multiple movies. First off, who the hell noticed this? How long ago did they give up on the real world and move back into their mom’s basement? Seriously, unless you’re watching the two movies side by side at exactly the same time I don’t understand how you even notice it.

The crossover scenes really don’t bother me at all. He had some good looking chase scenes from an old movie and he just CGId a robot in there to make it fit in Transformers. It’s not like the scenes are horribly out of place. In fact, I’m sure this move by Bay saved some money and since when is saving money a bad thing?

So, everyone needs to lower their expectations on a Michael Bay action movie that delivered exactly what should have been expected and everyone needs to get off Michael Bay’s nuts for saving some money by tweaking old scenes and reusing them.

P.S. I am slowly converting from Team Megan Fox to Team Rosie Huntington-Whiteley…that accent is just so damn sexy.

Top Ten: Sports Fights

So partly in honor of the less-than-epic Big Papi bench clearing brawl over the weekend and partly because the sports world is boring me to tears at the moment, I decided to do a rundown of the best sports fights in recent memory. When the only worthwhile sporting events are the All Star Game that few people care about and Women’s soccer that few people only pretend to care about because Hope Solo is a dime, you know there’s something horribly wrong in America. I don’t want to bring up the L word, but I think it’s about time for certain sports leagues to get their shit together (it seems the NBA will be a lost cause for a while, but pleeeeease NFL give us a deal in time for camp, we miss you too much). Without further ado, here are some testosterone filled badass sports brawls:

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Best of the Web – Top 10 Casey Anthony Statuses, Tweets, and Memes

Since the final verdict of the Casey Anthony case has come out, Facebook, Twitter, and the general internet has been littered with people’s comments about the fact that she got away with alleged murder.  It seems like in our day and age, as soon as sensationalized news comes out, everyone has something witty to say about it.  And they need to share a piece of their mind too.  Now I must admit, I am guilty of this too since I immediately updated my Facebook status as the verdict arrived.  I guess maybe we just have to accept the fact that this is the world we live in today.

Following the aftermath, I did a light combing of the internet for the best of Casey Anthony Facebook statuses, Tweets, and Memes.  Even though everyone seemed to agree with the typical  “WTF?!?! She definately did it BLAH BLAH BLAH”, I did find some entertaining and clever posts.  Here are the top 10 I found most entertaining (and some comments), enjoy.

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Album Review: Lil B “I’m Gay”

Few artists in hip hop in the last decade have been more polarizing than the internet sensation known as Lil B “The BasedGod.” Rap purists consider him the personification of everything wrong with the current state of hip hop.  Considering he is famous for songs like “Ellen Degeneres,” “Justin Bieber,” and ‘Wonton Soup,” (his most famous song with almost 4 million youtube views) its pretty easy to see how he got that distinction. Meanwhile his followers see through the mind numbing simplicity of his Based stream of consciousness raps as a parody of the popularity achieved by current artists such as Waka Flocka and Soulja Boy. I like to consider myself somewhere in the middle of these two camps; I can see what Lil B is trying to do by flooding the market with his swag rap satires, but that doesn’t mean I can actually stand to listen to them. However, after his debut album came out last week with almost no buildup (without a release date, merely a twitter post with a link to the itunes store), and an intriguing title (to say the least) my interest was sparked. Add to that an open letter singing the praises of Lil B by none other than Lupe Fiasco and the fact that B himself put up a free download link just a day after he released it on itunes (Thank You, BasedGod) and I decided I had to give it a listen.

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Incredible Sand Art

Alright guys, today in my Entrepreneurial Management class, I discovered the coolest thing ever.  Next time you have 5 minutes that you are not going to get back, watch this entire video.  Imagine how much practice it takes to master the art, and the fact that he pretty much just did it in one shot is simply incredible.