Racism Showdown

I saw these two video recently and it got me thinking of doing a racism showdown. Some of you will recognize the video of the girl from barstool but I don’t think anyone will have seen the other one. Without further ado here are the two videos.

Racist Girl (sorry for the link but the video got taken off of youtube so I couldn’t embed it)

So which video is more racist?

I know the easy answer is the girl. According to her there is an epidemic of black people camouflaging into the night and stealing all the chicken. Now I guess that theory completely ignores the fact that black people still have white eyes but that’s just a minor detail. Also apparently there are plenty of other things wrong with black people that she just didn’t mention. But let’s not forget that at the end she claims that she is not racist, she just doesn’t like black people. That’s like Mel Gibson saying he’s not anti-semmetic. What does she even mean by that comment? Are her best friends Ling Ling, Guadalupe, and Sacajawea Hides With Bears but she just doesn’t get down with Courtney. No honey I hate to tell you but despite what you think you are most definitely racist. Now get off the internet and go back to your small hick town and talk about how the Confederacy won the Civil War and you will be seceding any minute now.

All that being said I’m gonna go with the field trip as the more racist video. First off no homo but that dude tells a great story. Seriously, Mike needs to take some lessons from this guy on how to tell a story. The reason I think this video is more racist is because what the fuck kind of school with mostly black students in Alabama plans a field trip to a cotton field to pick cotton? Seriously did the administration not think about the possible repercussions of this decision? Do you not have to have any knowledge of American history to be a teacher? That’s the only explanation of how you could think this is alright. Yeah the girl was super racist but this video is more racist because it involves a group of people either being completely naive about their field trip choice or them understanding the racism of their choice and still choosing to take a group of black students to a cotton field. Straight racist.